There is nothing magic about self-care

It feels so great writing a blog post again! For the past few months, I've been juggling with exhaustion and discouragement. No matter how many ideas I have to make my life better, to care for myself, to love on myself, it seems nothing ever happens, nothing ever works. I tried to implement my morning … Continue reading There is nothing magic about self-care

The end of an era | The beginning of another

I know! I know! I'm a little dramatic there with my title but this is how I feel right now. Not about January ending and February starting, but about the end (or so I hope) of an era of finding it impossible to accomplish anything and the beginning of a new one where anything is possible. … Continue reading The end of an era | The beginning of another

Perfection will always be out of my grasp

I believe in striving for excellence, not perfection. This way, we do the best we can with what we have and surpass ourselves time after time without losing hope. I also remind myself that my whole life is a journey. There is no goal I will ever accomplish completely. This, to me, is a great relief. … Continue reading Perfection will always be out of my grasp